January 18, 2007

A new year a new blog

I know, it seems a little late (18 days to be exact) but Happy New Years!

So, as you can tell, I'm back in the blogging world... I lost interest about midway last year and hadn't really thought about coming back. How could you possibly lose interest you ask? Well it was a number of things but mostly I grew tired of the Xanga side of the blog sphere.

So after spending the past month reading post on Phil Johnson and company's blogspot I decided I'd try out this Blogger.com, so here goes nothing...

My plans/hopes for this new blog is that it will actually end up being a tag team blog between my finance Monica Elliott (yeah, that's recent excitement, I'll update everyone on that and other happenings in a later post) and I. This is of course all dependent on if she jumps on the blogspot bandwagon with me...


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