February 20, 2007

Just a quick post

My test today was harder then I thought it would be. Well, actually it was just as hard as I imagined but harder then I was praying for. I am glad to be done for awhile though. If weren't for work tonight I'd go home and not wake up until tomorrow.

News Flash

If you've ever wondered what it would be like to shoot your LCD monitor then wonder NO more!

It looks like Houston will finally be getting a city wide Wi-Fi network. But will it be worth it? (why can't they just make it free?)

Dell decides to actually listen to it's customers.


February 19, 2007

A bad case of the Mondays...

Life has been extremely busy lately. I have been falling behind on the blog reading, instead subjecting myself to the drudgery of Texas history, Map interpretation, Historical geography, and the Philosophy of Critical thinking. This past week and a half has been test/paper/project time at school. This time tomorrow I will finally be free from having the feeling of impending doom as the next thing becomes due.

Weekend last was our Church winter camp for our youth. It was so much fun! Kurt Gebhards from Grace Community Church was our camp speaker. He did an excellent Job presenting the Gospel and encouraging us to actually live out our Faith. I really look forward to seeing him in a few weeks while at Shepherds'.

Hopefully I will have more to update on soon. Until then mosey on over to Tim Challies for a live blogging of the Resolved Conference.


February 11, 2007

Because it is possible...

What, might you ask is possible? Well, there are many things that Matt can do better than me. A few examples include, but are certainly not limited to: making fudge, following a map, being nice (stop laughing, Renee), researching anything, using self-control, making any coffee beverage, and definitely blogging. One thing that we do run a pretty close tie in, however, is procrastination. And yes, that is what I'm doing right now. I do have a quiz and a test tomorrow, not to mention the rest of the week. In order to keep peace within the relationship, however, I decided to take this opportunity to do what Matt never thought possible: Monica actually posting a blog!! Thanks for reading!


February 9, 2007

Brother Jed

After my procrastinating lunch I walked out of the LSC to find a huge crowd congregated outside. As per usual I am totally void of any of the happenings around campus but evidently this preacher, Jed Smock, has been at our school for the past two days preaching and ranting. Of course this fire and brimstone style of preaching draws quite the crowd. Today there was a huge homosexual (or at least pro homosexual) group as well as the agnostic/atheist group. Hard to tell how many actually were in audience but if I had to ball park it I would say 200 (+/-). I had a hard time following what he was saying because of the continuous yelling of those around me. You would think that for someone who has dedicated their lives to traveling around the nation to different schools he would at least splurge on a megaphone.

What I found more interesting (and certainly more depressing) than his preaching style and content was the crowds response to him. In preparation of day two of his teaching many brought home made signs with phrases such as, "Cast the first stone here", " Separate church and hate", and my personal favorite " Homophobia is gay". Among these signs other marvelous spectacles were taking place such as the standard getting in his face and yelling at him but some of the most extreme things that I saw were two lesbians approaching him and start making out with each other as he preaches against it, and people messing with his personal possessions. Some of the more amusing events were a group of guys managing to get the entire crowd to participate in group wave and someone grabbing a SHSU flag and running circles around Jed (which I caught on my video phone).

At one point a gentleman decided it would be funny to walk out to where he was and sit down in his chair. Well, Jed evidently didn't like this and pulled the chair out from under the man. Well, this set a few people off and decided to rush the scene which caused the police to have to intervene. During this altercation someone managed to steal Jed's bottled water and poor it out right in front of him. This is when I decided to leave. Things were getting somewhat out of hand and I was beginning to relive the Jr. high playground all over again.

I haven't had a lot of time to research brother Jed but I know there's plenty online about him.


P.S. The video will only be up for a limited time due to the limited server space the school gives me.

February 8, 2007

Procrastinating & Blog Spotting

For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven. (Colossians 1:13-20)

I have been reading over Colossians Ch. 1 everyday this week. The pre-eminence of Christ is such an encouraging thing to dwell upon.

Right now I am enjoying a darn good cup of coffee and a bagel at our school latest addition, Einstein Bros Bagels. My original intent was to study for my upcoming Critical Thinking exam but my mind has grown weary of it.

I realized today that Shepherds' Conference is only 3 1/2 weeks away! Flying to Cali. and spending a week at Grace Community with 3,000 pastor/teachers listening to the teachings of John MacArthur, John Piper, Phil Johnson, etc... is way worth missing a week of school.

Blog Spotting

Tim Challies has a great discussion about Christians and the use of birth control

Nathan Busenitz & John MacArthur do separate studies on cessationism

Renee Johnson goes on a political rant


February 2, 2007

Dr. MacArthur to be a Guest on Nancy Grace Show

I received the following text in a forwarded email today. Just thought I would pass it along to all of y'all.


Dear Friends of TMS,

John MacArthur has been requested to join a panel on the Nancy Grace show tomorrow, Friday, February 2, at 8:00 p.m. (EST), 5:00 p.m. (PDT). The topic will be “A Sinner Versus a Hypocrite,” regarding Pastor Ted Haggard and the accusation made by a male prostitute. The panel will be made up of a local reporter to give the highlights of the story, Mike Jones (the “gay escort”), and someone from the New Life Church. John MacArthur has been asked to give the bigger picture, i.e., the biblical view of homosexuality.

It is very possible that the program will be canceled at the last minute. Therefore, we request that you do not call the seminary or Grace Church to find out if it’s really going to happen; instead, please check the CNN website to verify that the show will be broadcasted as originally planned: http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/nancy.grace.

As a note of clarification, there are two different CNN channels: CNN and Headline News. Both are owned and operated by the CNN network, but Nancy Grace is on the Headline News channel (not the CNN channel). At 5:00 p.m. (PDT), the program on Headline News is Nancy Grace, while the program on CNN is Paula Zahn Now.

Thank you for your prayers on Dr. MacArthur’s behalf.