April 3, 2007

Blog Spotting

Blog Spotting

Today I was introduced to a new blog collaboration over at EatBible.com. You should check out Sunday's post written by a personal friend of mine.

The new subject this week over at the pulpit deals with parenting and specifically with spanking.

Dan over at teampyro has posed an excellent question that has been a recent pondering of my own.

Tim Challies has come up with an encouraging blog event known as Testimony Tuesday. If you love to hear stories about how Christ has drastically changed the lives of others head on over there.

News Flash

If you've ever wondered how to get to London from Houston, Google has it all mapped out for you (pay close attention to step 26).



Mama Jo - Head Cook said...

i had to check out the spanking art. first...my mommy instincts force me to sponge up what anyone has to say about parenting...

anyway, i'm not sure i agree with this one. in fact, i was absolutely sure i didn't agree until i was reminded of the scriptures. my dad spanked me when i was young, and it was always humiliating more than anything...especially because it was my DAD. and, being the very stubborn child i was (big surprise there huh), it never really deterred me from misbehaving. so, i vowed that i would NEVER spank my children a long time ago.

anyway, i do believe it is extremely important to appropriately discipline children. perhaps "the rod" is not actually describing spanking, but referring to firm-handed discipline? i don't know...what do ya'll think?

Matthew H. said...

It is important to remember that just because a method doesn't work in a specific instance doesn't mean that it isn't the best method overall. Take for example the method of evangelism in parenting. It is clear in scripture that parents are to instruct their children in the Word of God in order to present them the gospel. But what if your child does not accept Christ? What if he/she grows up to be the leading democratic representative openly opposing Christianity? Does this mean the method is incompetent? Certainly not! I would say the same for the example of yourself that you gave. Your sin of continued rebellion in spite of correction doesn’t mean that that method correction is incompetent. Many factors of the method could be wrong however, such as the motivation behind the correction. If it was administered out of anger or rage, then it was not administered correctly. It should always be done humbly out of love. I don’t have all the answers about spanking right now because but I do know that I favor it over other modern means of correction though, because of two reasons. First I see it as explicitly stated in scripture as the primary means of correction. In regard to your question about what “rod” means in scripture I believe it means an actual rod (or hand, or switch, or belt) verses like Proverbs 23:13-14 seem to support this heavily…

13Do not hold back discipline from the child,
Although you strike him with the rod, he will not die.
14You shall strike him with the rod
And rescue his soul from Sheol.

… The latter half of verse 13 uses words like “strike” and “die” in reference to discipline. I haven’t heard of people dying from being hit to hard with timeouts. This is instructing parents to use spanking but not angrily or excessively. But I don’t believe spanking should be the lone method of correction. It should be coupled with timeouts and withholdings.
And secondly I see it as the best method. Overall, if administered correctly, it has the affect of raising children under the proper knowledge that consequences come from disobedience.

There is so much more to be said about it but I would just recommend that you read about it from those who are way smarter than I by continuing to read what the guys over at the pulpit are writing about this issue. Right now they are going through biblical examples and instructions of spanking. I hope I in some way answered your question. Have a great week!
