March 27, 2007

Wedding Update

It's now officially less than 90 days till the wedding. In celebration I thought I would update with some of the recent happenings.

Firstly, my mother has graciously decided to pay for our honeymoon! So we have decided on a 5 day cruise to the Western Caribbean on Carnival cruise lines (that is our actual ship shown). Our desinations will be Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico and Cozumel, Mexico (those are two places not five). We will have an window with a slight view on one of the higher up levels. I'm getting very excited about this because I've never been out of the country before.

Secondly, a few weeks ago Monica and I did quite possibly the funnest thing ever. We went wedding registering! We spent an entire Sunday afternoon picking out our desired home accessories at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Target. I think we may also be going to Dillard's soon to register.

Thirdly, the creation of our invitations are underway. They, as they have been described to me, are going to be magnificent. Will that comes our engagement pictures we had to take for them. This was a lot of fun to do. The Elliott's family friend, Ashah, flew out from George to do them (she'll be our wedding photographer as well). We spent several hours running around Huntsville taking pictures (380 in all) and they are all just wonderful! I have been told not to leak to many of them out into the public yet but here is one for your enjoyment...

And lastly, but certainly not least, God has blessed us and our wedding plans in so many ways. It is so encouraging to see how the body of Christ is seeking to serve us in whatever ways possible. I have literally been brought to tears by the way our friends and family wish to serve and sacrifice for us. Thank you to all you who have given anything, including prayers, toward our wedding.



Mama Jo - Head Cook said...

thanks for the update. we're really happy for you guys. weddings are fabulous, but the life you will have together afterwards is really what you have to look forward too!! as always, let us know if you need anything :)

RevTubbs said...

Hey Matt and Monica! It is super to hear that things are working out and going well. My Pastor is doing a series through Ephesians and just covered the roles of wives and husbands in chapter 5. If you get a chance to check it at and just look up Oak Ridge Baptist Fellowship and you can download them for free or if you would like I could make you CD's. It was really encouraging going through it for me and I could not help thinking of all my friends that are getting hitched. So check it out. Also check out it is a site with resources and whatnot that I am an author is good stuff. Anyhow I love you guys and will see you around!