1027 hours and counting
I've been busy. I'm done with school and have now turned my focus onto fixing up Monica and I's future apartment. It's a lot of work but also a lot of fun. Monica graduates tomorrow with a dual degree in both History and English with a minor in Music as well. I'm so proud of her. She's going to be the greatest lil' home school mommy. I've taken up a small hobby these past few days. During the wee hours of the night when I can't sleep I have been attempting to learn more about Adobe Photoshop. My buddy Jason taught me a few tricks just the other day and I have been messing around with them. So here are some of my latest works, enjoy!I know they're not that big a deal, but they took me awhile to do, so I'm proud of them. I'm also still poking around on Wikipedia during what little free time I have left, but haven't put a whole lot of effort into it lately. I have created a Wiki user page though. Check it out here
P.S. The above pictures are courtesy of Ashah Wood and have been edited by me with Adobe Photoshop 7. And, as always, refer to
in regards to any reproducing or altering you may want to do.
Matt. That is HOT. You and Mownika are complete hotties.
Oh and you should check out my site boy. I got one of these peices of crap. its tha shiz.
thanks dude. pray for my eye mostly, that there is no eyeball damage or anything. i appreciate it. see you tonight...maybe.
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