Your Kingdom Come
74 days till June 23rd!
Time is flying by and standing still all at the same time. I can't believe school is almost over. This semester has gone by so fast. But at the same time June 23rd feels so far away. Too far away...
Things for the wedding are still falling into place quite nicely. On the 15th we should be going to get suits, which is going to be exciting, and we just recently worked out all the flower arrangements with our flower person... I forget what her job title actually is.
Lately I have been praying about trying to start a small bible study group in the fall. Ever since Shepherds' Conference, eschatology has been on my mind and on my heart as I realize how many Christians simply push it aside as unimportant to their daily lives and/or reserve the topic for the theologians. Despite the fact that everyone is a theologian of some sorts, I believe that a proper understanding of eschatology can and will have a drastic affect on the way Christians live their lives. Whether or not Christ is coming back or not will have some sort of impact on how His followers will act. Will they act expectantly or live mundanely without hope? If He is to come back, when? Wouldn't His followers want to know? The disciples certainly wanted to know.
"So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, "Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1:6)
So I have been currently reading a pretty good book by Dr. MacArthur titled, The Second Coming: Signs of Christ's Return and the End of the Age, which seems to primarily refute the claims of

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